Superworms VS Mealworms

Both superworms and mealworms belong to the same family named Tenebrionidae, however, there genus and species are different. The scientific name of superworm is Zophobas Morio and mealworm is called as Tenebrio Molitor scientifically. Superworms can reach up to a size of more than 2 inches of length and medium-sized mealworms can only have a size of 0.75 inches, however, giant mealworms can reach up to a size of 1.25 inches. Superworms have a dark brown color with dark rings on both sides, while, mealworms are lighter in color without any spots.


Nutritional Values

Superworms have a significant amount of protein that is 17.4% of the total, while mealworms have much more high value of protein which is about 20.27%. Total fibers in these worms vary greatly; mealworms only contain 1.79% of fibers, however, superworms have much more quantity of fibers in them which is about 6.8%. Both worms have a quite higher amount of fats, but vary a little bit which is about 16% in super worms while 13% in mealworms. The main difference of nutritional Value is of calcium which is about 10.8% in superworms and only 3.2% in mealworms.


Structural differences

Superworms grow slowly but are quite soft in consistency due to the low amount of chitinous substance in their exoskeleton. Mealworms, on the other hand, have a high amount of chitin in their exoskeleton which make them harder and this hardness and their smaller size effect overall digestion of the worm. They are also less nutritious in overall composition as described above. Superworms also have a higher amount of moisture in them -about 62%- which make their digestion easy.


Storing and Life expectancy

Superworms can be store for a long time without a refrigerator, however, you should keep in mind the feeding chart of your reptile while ordering superworms. This is because they can pupate when separated from other superworms. On the other hand, you have to refrigerate mealworms if you want to use them for a long time, otherwise, they will pupate just after two weeks. The main benefit of mealworms is, you can store them for months in the refrigerator.

Superworms can live in the larval form up to a year when not separated from other larvae, however, normally they pupate in 10 weeks after the conversion of larval form from an egg which takes about 4 to 19 days to hatch. They can produce 100 to 500 eggs in their whole life which vary according to a number of reasons.

Egg of a mealworm takes 10 to 14 days to hatch into larvae. Larvae of a mealworm turn into a pupa within 12 to 54 days, if it is not refrigerated. However, larvae of mealworm becomes dormant in the refrigerator and can live up to one year in this stage. Mealworms can only produce maximum 100 eggs in their whole life.


Final verdict

I hope you may get the right difference between a superworm and a mealworm. I would like to recommend mealworm for leopard geckos and African fat-tailed geckos. On the other hand, superworms are best for chameleons and bearded dragons due to their metabolism differences. The other thing that you should keep in mind is that you should give superworms only to mature reptile because they can sting or bite to a predator.