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  • Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches 101

    Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches get their name from the peculiar sound of hissing, that they make when they respirate. They actually do respiration through spiracles which are present on lateral sides of the abdomen. This hiss is used by hissers on different occasions, for example, they can use it when they are being disturbed, fight, or during mating, later two are used by males. As they are naturally found in islands of Madagascar, so they also get their name from the name of the place.
  • Superworms VS Mealworms

    Both superworms and mealworms belong to the same family named Tenebrionidae, however, there genus and species are different. The scientific name of superworm is Zophobas Morio and mealworm is called as Tenebrio Molitor scientifically. Superworms can reach up to a size of more than 2 inches of length and medium-sized mealworms can only have a size of 0.75 inches, however, giant mealworms can reach up to a size of 1.25 inches. Superworms have a dark brown color with dark rings on both sides, while, mealworms are lighter in color without any spots.


  • Is Dubia Roach Better than Cricket?

    Dubia roaches are better for any pet than crickets. This is not only due to their better nutritional value and mineral profile, but also due to easy-care, no smell, and quietness.
  • Crested Gecko vs Leopard Gecko

    Crested gecko has a wedge-shaped head with huge eyes. They also have crests on each eye that runs along the entire length of the body to the tail: Small spikes also present on the body which are not so rough. They have beautiful eyelashes but no eyelids. 

    Leopard Geckos have a darker color than other geckos and wild leopard geckos have even darker color than their captive relatives. Apart from their smaller head and lighter spots on their body, they also have clear eyelids. These eyelids make them distinguishable from other geckos as other geckos only have transparent membranes. A thick fatty tail is also a beautiful feature of this species. 

  • Bearded Dragon Diet and Care Sheet

    Bearded dragons are omnivores and can eat a variety of food. Naturally, they eat a lot of insects daily and vegetation too. In wild, 75% of their food consists on protein sources like dubia roaches, silkworms, king worms, superwormsMadagascar hissing cockroaches, earthworms, butter worms, crickets, and even small mammals like mice. Rest of the 25% of their natural food includes fruits, nuts, vegetables etc. 

    In captivity, young ones are supplied with a high energy diet as they do a lot of activity. They need more insects than vegetables and fruits. However, adults should be fed on more vegetables than insects. This is due to their restricted activities in comparison with their wild cousins. As they don’t have so much activities, so, feeding more insects can lead to obesity. 

  • How to start a Dubia Roach Colony

    First thing you should arrange to start a dubia roach colony is a glass tank or a plastic container. Mostly a glass tank is recommended, but you can also use a plastic container. A 10-gallon tank or 40 feet plastic container is enough to start a dubia roach colony. 

    Setting up the Container 

    Ventilation should be the first goal for the new colony of dubia roaches. Make enough hole on the upper side of the container or tank to provide enough oxygen to the dubia roaches. After that, you should make the internal environment of the container suitable for dubia roaches. Keep some card boards or egg crates, so roaches can climb up and don’t crush each other. Don’t forget to attach a heating pad with the container. The optimum temperature for the colony of dubia roaches is about 40 °C. You can add a thermostat with your heating pad to keep the temperature optimum.